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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Ready-Mix Concrete

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10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Ready-Mix Concrete

  • Posted by: Mir Ready-mix Concrete
  • Category: Ready Mix Concrete
Ready Mix Concrete Mistakes

While using ready-mix concrete, ensuring outstanding results for your construction structures is important. However, due to some common mistakes, structural issues, project delays, and higher costs are often seen. 

From inaccurate mixing tactics to being negligent about weather conditions, these drawbacks can compromise the integrity of construction. That’s why it is important to recognize and rectify these mistakes to achieve a high-quality and durable concrete finish.  

Mir Ready-Mix Concrete is here to inform you about all the common mistakes to avoid when using ready-mix concrete! 

Top 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Ready-Mix Concrete in Bangladesh

The usage of ready-mix concrete requires proper planning and execution. As making these mistakes is common, pay full attention to avoid them. First, let’s get to know about them! 

Mistakes To Avoid When Using Ready Mix Concrete

  • Delaying in Pouring the Concrete 

Poor timing in pouring ready-mix concrete can result in major issues like premature setting. If a delay occurs between pouring and delivery, the concrete may start to harden in the transport. 

As a result, the mixture will lack strength and be difficult to work with. Moreover, weak spots and uneven surfaces will be dominant in the final structure.  

To avoid this problem, always pour the ready-mix concrete immediately upon arrival. Remember that proper timing is needed to get a workable mix. For more insights, you can check our detailed article on the setting time of ready-mixed concrete.

  • Not Inspecting the Structure of the Mix 

Every project has certain requirements for workability, durability, and strength. If the mix designs are not inspected properly or the wrong mix is used, it can lead to major issues in the construction structures as the mentioned factors will be compromised. 

For example, a weak mix may not support the required load, while one that is excessively strong may be unnecessarily expensive. 

That’s why it’s essential to ensure that the mix design matches the project specifications to achieve the desired results. Read more on choosing the right ready-mix concrete for your specific needs.

  • Using Inaccurate Water-to-Cement Ratio 

The application of an incorrect water-to-cement ratio can majorly influence the quality of the ready-mix concrete. Adding excessive water can dilute the mixture creating weakened concrete that is prone to crumble or crack under pressure. 

On the contrary, using less water will make the concrete mix difficult to work with as there will be uneven consistency and incomplete hydration.  

To ensure the required output, follow the recommended water-to-cement ratio precisely. It will help you to bring a balance by enhancing workability.  

  • Insufficient Mixing 

Deficient mixing of ready-mix concrete can generate serious complications in your construction project. 

Insufficient Mixing 

Although the concrete is produced off-site, settling during transportation can result in variations in consistency leading to an unbalanced distribution of aggregates and clumps of dry material. Additionally, a lack of uniformity can make the final product weak which could lead to cracks, decreased strength, and low-quality surface finishes. 

To avert these issues, it is vital to meticulously mix the concrete once it arrives. It will ensure that a consistent blending is done meeting the required criteria for performance and durability.  

  • Unfitting Site Preparation 

Improper site preparation can cause intense challenges during and after the concrete pouring process. If the ground is not balanced or neat, uneven surfaces and poor bonding between the substrate and concrete will be created. 

The imbalance will induce the concrete to settle or shift unevenly. Moreover, loose materials or debris can also meddle in the curing process. It will compromise the coherence of the finished product. 

Hence, you have to ensure an appropriate and thorough site preparation to get a durable and solid concrete surface. 

You can explore more about the top 10 ready-mix concrete companies dominating the market in Bangladesh to get better results for your construction.

  • Neglecting Weather Conditions 

While pouring concrete, disregarding the weather might have serious consequences. While cold weather can decrease hydration and produce freezing, hot weather can accelerate evaporation. 

Rain might erode vital components damaging the mixture. These elements may cause the concrete to break down, crack, and perform poorly throughout.  

Always keep an eye on the weather to get the best possible results. Pouring shouldn’t be done during extremely hot or cold weather.

  • Avoiding Vibration 

Skipping the vibration while pouring concrete can give birth to severe issues like weak spots and air pockets within the mix. 

The air bubble reduces the strength and rigidity of the finished structure, making the tendency to crack high. 

Proper vibration ensures that concrete is well-formed, reducing voids, and aiding even distribution. 

So, it is suggested that a vibrator always be used during the pouring step to find a strong construction structure. 

  • Not Checking the Mix Design 

Ignoring the mix design could cause serious problems for your concrete project. Because each mix is designed for specific purposes, picking the incorrect one can impact strength, durability, and workability. 

For instance, an excessively harsh mix can make application challenging, while an excessively weak mix might not be able to withstand the necessary load. 

Make sure the mix design satisfies the distinctive requirements of your project. 

  • Inability to Seal the Surface 

Failure to seal the concrete surface increases the tendency to degrade from wear, stains, and moisture. Without an appropriate sealant, concrete can absorb chemicals and water. It leads to deterioration and cracking over time.  

That’s why to protect your finished surface and increase its longevity, always use a high-quality sealant. It will increase the durability and maintain the outer look of the concrete. 

  • Not Being Mindful of Proper Placement 

Avoiding proper placement methods while pouring concrete can result in breakage. Here, lighter components rise and heavier aggregates sink. Thus, an uneven mix is formed. It makes the final product weak by creating inconsistent strength throughout the structure.  

Inspecting The Structure Of The Mix

To avoid this issue, always apply techniques that reduce height while pouring. For further comparison between ready-mix and site-mix concrete, you can visit our article on ready-mix vs. site-mix concrete.


A large portion of the success of your construction projects depends on avoiding these common mistakes. When you understand and address these issues, you can increase the durability and quality of your concrete work. 

It will save not only time but also resources. Whether you are an amateur or professional, avoid these mistakes to get better results and a smooth building process with Mir Ready-Mix Concrete

Hence, go through these common mistakes to avoid when using ready-mix concrete next time!